Dec 7, 2013

Kari Bairi Akhiyan.. reaching hearts.....

Kari Bairi Akhiyan reaching hearts.....
Got this mail from my Collaborator Audiocalligraphy Tiny Type& I copy and paste here
Hi Shree
Last Sunday evening I relaxes on our couch, was listening to radio FM4 "Zimmerservice" and...a cute wish from a girl made me listen up and KBA got played:)
Lovely moment.The girl who wished the song comment some nice things in German. Even she don't understand any word of KBA it is making her goosebumps and she is feeling a love story behind the track. Her favorite tune right now.
Stream here until next Sunday:
19:00-20:17 FM4 - Last 3 minutes are the lines from the girls wish..
20:17-21:00 FM4 - First track is KBA
20:22:23 Love the way the anchors pronounce the song title and my name. Cute:):)

I sing & so I live..